We always enjoy discovering new brands, so today we decided to introduce you to our current cashmere crush, Jumper 1234...
The London based brand has been making waves thanks to its eclectic array of cashmere designs, with sweaters that look great and can be washed by machine (a godsend for any knitwear fans familiar with how rare this is!)
Jumper 1234 started as the passion project of a small group of friends and has since expanded to include a UK design team and Mongolian production unit.
We've been continually impressed by the quality of their pieces, and love that they produce in a way that is ethical and sustainable to boot. The cashmere is sourced from the nomadic herdsmen in Mongolia, who hand comb the goats that produce it each spring. As the weather grows warmer, each March sees each goat start to moult and only then are they combed to obtain the rare fibres. The entire process is kinder to the goats and the herdsmen that live alongside them, and the resulting cashmere is among the softest we've come across at 32.
– Jumper 1234
We're so proud to be Jumper 1234's Northampton stockist, and judging by how many of our styles have sold out, you guys are just as into the brand as we are. The brand strives for designs that feel intrinsically British, while their use of bright and neon colours makes these pieces feel thoroughly modern too.
Want to see more? Click here to browse our current designs (but hurry... they seem to fly out fast!)